Avoid the transfer fee! We can often save you money by ordering the firearm for you directly.
Check with us for availability and pricing. Stop in or call 425.265.7143.
***Transfer of a Firearm Included in the WA Assault Weapon Ban (AWB)***
We are no longer accepting transfers of firearms included in the ban. If we receive a
firearm affected by the ban it will be your responsibility to arrange a return to the originator of the firearm.
All assessed fees are non-refundable.
WCAN will assist you in returning the item(s) but you or the originator will be responsible to provide a pre-paid return label and cover any additional costs involved in returning the firearm.
This must be done as soon as possible following the enactment of the law. If the firearm is still in our possession after 30 days, our standard storage fees will apply. After 120 days the item will be deemed abandoned.
Commercial Firearms Transfer (Shipped from an FFL dealer)
Fee: $50 per firearm
$100 per NFA item.
Washington state requires us to collect sales/use tax on all transfers from an out-of-state FFL dealer unless there is documentation that WA state sales tax was already paid.
Private Firearms Transfer (Shipped from a private party)
Fee: $50 for one firearm
$100 for up to three firearms in the same shipment.
Person-to-Person Private Transfer (Walk-in)
Fee: $75 per firearm (This requires extra paperwork on our end.)
You bought a gun online… now what?
Step One:
a) If you are buying from a commercial seller, have the seller contact us at proshop@westcoastarmorynorth.com to request a copy of our FFL.
b) If this is a private sale or transfer the seller must include a legible copy of their driver’s license in the box with the firearm. (No seller’s driver’s license = we cannot transfer the firearm to you.)
Step Two:
Fill out the form below.
Step Three:
Have the seller ship the firearm to us at:
West Coast Armory North
11714 Airport Rd.
Everett WA 98204
Step Four:
Wait for our call. You WILL NOT be able to pick up the firearm on the same day we receive it. We need one working day to enter it into the FFL system. You will be able to pick up your firearm (or begin the WA state paperwork) the day after we receive it. We will call you to come in and pick up your firearm.