West Coast Armory North
Indoor Shooting Range
At the West Coast Armory North Indoor Shooting Range, you'll find helpful staff that wants to make your experience here safe, fun, and educational. Whether you're new to firearms, in the market to buy a new firearm (but not sure which one is right for you), or just want to keep up your skill level, we welcome you to our range!
We have three membership levels currently available:
* Bronze Membership ( Individual Only )
* Silver Membership ( Individual )
* Silver Membership ( Family )
We also have pistol caliber firearms available to rent in our range! To see our list of around 80 rental firearms, click here.
West Coast Armory North offers a variety of handgun courses, and now a rifle class! From the basics for beginners, refreshers for those out of practice, and continuing education for every shooter, you can get the training you need, now ALL through West Coast Armory North! Send an email to rangemaster@westcoastarmorynorth.com with any questions.